1. Keep moving. This is important in knifing and one of the main basics. If you jump around and run back and foward etc. it makes it nearly impossible for your opponent to stab/shoot you.
2. Stabs have much further reach than you would think in crossfire. Stab just the second before your body tells you to stab and that will always get you headshots....
3. When knifing against someone with a gun you will want to engage them in the narrowest space possible. This improves your chances of a headshot and a fast kill.
4. If you miss your first stab, instead of going nuts and slashing like a retard just run around the nearest corner....As they come through the doorway, nail them.
5. when someone is coming to stab you instead of jumping backwards jump sideways. This will make them completely miss.
6. Practice knifing in TD matches in maps such as Egypt, Ship or mexico where the map is relatively small.
7. If you know you got someone with a stab but not a headshot they will be on 90hp. Instead of trying for another stab just run at them slashing.
8. Instead of holding the left mouse button, click it every 0.5 seconds for fast slashes.
9. Plan your attack carefully especially when vsing people with guns. You will usually have only one chance.
10. Unlike with guns knifing people from behind does the exact same amount of damage as from the front. dont be afraid to stab them in the back.